Renting is Cheaper Than a Mortgage, Is It Even Worth Buying a Home?

Nobody said buying a home and paying off a mortgage was easy. If it was, everyone would be doing it right? In the short term your mortgage repayments, plus rates and insurance will most likely be significantly more expensive than your current rent and put a strain on your budget. So the question is, can […]
How to Put in an Offer on a Property

When you find a house in your price range that ticks all or most of your boxes, you may be ready to put in an offer. This needs to be formally written up on a sales and purchase agreement, although some real estate companies have other processes. You would normally do this by contacting the […]
How Do Banks Assess Your Mortgage Application?

Knowing how a bank assesses your mortgage application and what they’re looking for gives you more power to get your application in order. Banks assess your application using the 4 Cs: Capital, Capacity, Character and Collateral. Get these right and you’ve boosted your chances of approval. Capital Have you got enough skin in the game? […]
First Home Buying Process

Here’s a brief summary of the first home buyer process: Step 1: Determine your affordability. Meet with a mortgage adviser or your bank and get your borrowing ability assessed. Get pre-approved if it’s possible. If you can’t get approved now, make a plan on what you need to do in order to get your finance […]
How Much Does It Cost to Use a Mortgage Adviser?

It’s a common myth that it costs to use a mortgage adviser. In fact, the opposite is actually the case. We don’t charge you for our service, because when we’re successful at getting you over the line, the banks pay us a commission which pays us for our time. This means it’s in your best […]